Wednesday 21 December 2011

Diving in Dromana

Four brave bodies threw themselves into a very cold ocean to take a look around the underside of the pier at Blairgowrie. Note the dive hoods plus Mark went in with 2 wetsuits on.
 (I, sensibly, was absent from this little jaunt!!!)
The sea here takes time to warm up & as it is only the start of summer, it is still cold.

Their stamina was rewarded with views of seals, seahorses, a ray, starfish & lots of crabs.

Fish & chips down on the front at Sorrento soon warmed them up!

  Sorrento, apart from being one of many delightful little towns along the peninsula, is also famous for The Vanilla Slice!!!  

We have consumed rather a lot of these in recent days.... Mark even managed one for breakfast -after bacon & eggs - he said it was to stave off the cold during the dive!! Mmmm.... any excuse!

These flowers were gathered from Mel's Dad's garden along the peninsula.  Just a taste of the wonderful flora of Australia. All really expensive items for the florist in England - I used to love having these in my shop.

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