Wednesday 7 December 2011

Temples & the Arab Quarter

Checking out, we left our bags at the hotel & headed off in search of Temples! We started with the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, we were taken round by a very informative man (we didn't ask for a guide - he just appearred & offered & it was FOC!! ) He told us how it was built just 6 years ago funded by donations from Singapore's wealthy - it cost billions. The central area, housing the relic, is virtually all solid gold & the main  Buddha  statue  contains 420kg of gold! There are 10,000 mini buddha statues set in cases round all the walls. The temple is 6 floors high with a beautiful roof garden . There were monks in their saffron robes & people in deep meditation sitting in the lotus position......all just mind blowing in its splendour on one hand & serenity on the other. We were shown our Zodiac Buddhas....mine's the year of the horse & Rob's  is the snake.
We felt the need for refreshment & headed back to Raffles for a wonderful icecream - couldn't leave Singapore without this treat. It was mixed on an iced worksurface for us - yummy!
We also went & had a sneaky look in the ballroom - just gorgeous!
Refreshed, we headed for the Sri Krishnan Hindu Temple. People were making offerings of lotus flowers & incense. Not more than 100yards away was another Buddhist temple, much older this time & again thronging with people & incense. In the surrounding street, many people having their fortunes told with the use of an abacus & more incense......quite a heady experience.
We moved on to the Arab Quarter, passing the Sultan Mosque, but the public weren't allowed in as it was prayer time. We wandered up the streets, through the little stalls selling beautiful fabrics/silk, carpets, wicker ware & lacquer ware. Well, we've covered most of the world's religions today!!

We are now at Changi airport having a coffee & awaiting our onward flight to Adelaide.

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