Tuesday 13 December 2011

Port Fairy - a day of wildlife

A windy day here in Port Fairy - good for walking. Griffiths Island lies just the other side of the quay across a short causeway. It is home to an abundance of wildlife, but in particular the Shearwaters or mutton bird ( so called because the early settlers ate them as a meat mainstay.) They lay their eggs in burrows, some up to 2 metres long  & stay until their young are reared, then return to Siberia / Alaska. At dusk they return from a day at sea to feed their young. We are returning later to watch this spectacle. The bird life is amazing, since we've been in Port Fairy we have seen pied oyster catcher, white faced heron, sand martins, night herons, black swans, spoonbills & an assortment of ducks - think we're turning into twichers?

On the walk around the island the sea was spectacular. This coast is famous for its shipwrecks & you can see why.

This afternoon we took a drive out to Tower Hill, a game reserve on the side of a crater. There we saw emu & koala in their natural habitat.

1 comment:

  1. Looks absolutely beautiful....can we have some pictures of Rob please, just to prove that you have not left him somewhere or swapped him for some hunky ozzy surfer!!....or a green parrot!!!
