Thursday 29 December 2011


 After our overnight stay in St Kilda, we headed on the tram into Melbourne - our first foray into the city itself.
We started at the Shrine of Remembrance an impressive memorial to those who died in both the World Wars.

We headed into the Botanic Gardens - 90 acres of landscaped delights. As we arrived in the information centre to pick up a map, we were invited to join 2 ladies who were just about to leave on a free guided tour of the gardens. It materialised that one was from Newark, she was visiting her life long friend (they had gone to school together in Kent. ) The Australian lady's husband had come've guessed it ....Worksop !

Our guide gave us an interesting tour - all the history of  the formation of the gardens & lots of info about the trees & plants - so many unusual specimens, but also some planting that's typically British - herbaceous borders with cannas & agapanthus included. The Governor's Residence is in the grounds - this is where visiting dignitaries would stay when they are in Melbourne.

We walked along the banks of the River Yarra, swollen from all the rain on Christmas Day, into the centre of Melbourne. Federation Square, with its street entertainers & large screen transmission of the Test Match  ( N.B. Aussie's have won !)

Lots of Victorian arcades, reminding us of Leeds.

We walked round a lot of the city, it's a strange juxtaposition of old & modern buildings.

On the tram back to St Kilda for a last stroll along the beach & then a 45 min drive back to Eltham  (with a box of Acland St. cakes ! ) to Joy & Barrie's house.

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