Saturday 3 December 2011


After a long but good flight, here we are in Singapore. A pleasant 80 degrees  with a few clouds  & one heavy shower.
It's been one of the best flights we've experienced - plenty of leg room, courteous & attentive service & good food served by the most stunning stewardesses!

Our hotel room wasn't ready, as it was only 9am local time when we arrived, so we left  the cases & went to explore the city.Amazing high rise buildings. Everywhere is spotless & the roadside verges & central reservations are planted with exotic palms & colourful tropical shrubbery. There is a great sense of calm & order & yet the city is bustling with Christmas shoppers.
To get our bearings we thought we'd stroll to Orchard Road where there are shopping Malls aplenty.There must be at least 10 multi storey malls each equivalent to Meadowhall containing a range of shops from top end designers to Marks & Spencers & individual stores.. Much to Rob's delight he's found a Singapore $2 shop (= £1 ) ! The Christmas decor is spectacular.

Nothing too taxing as we have been up for 32 hours, with virtually no shut eye. It was hard to sleep on the plane because our body clocks were still on daytime mode. Anyway it's better to try to slot in with the new time zone & keep going.......I've just looked over at Rob & he's fast asleep!! Time I joined him, but not before I post these photos of what we  didn't  have for our first meal in Singapore !!

HON KEE PORRIDGE ......seemed to have frog as it's main ingredient!

This was a pudding choice -  we had no problem resisting !!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Barb and Rob... lovely to read your blog and know that all is well. It's brought back happy memories of these gardens -how brilliant to see them at Christmas!

    Looking forward to the next installment,
    Loads of love,
    Brenda xxx
