Monday 12 December 2011

Robe to Port Fairy

What a day!  We have crammed so much in. We left Robe at 10, bidding a fond farewell to a lovely spot & headed, on the scenic route, to Beachport which has one of the longest piers, is the centre for rock lobsters & has a gorgeous avenue of Norfolk pines that you drive down to the beach. We took a coastal scenic drive around the bay & then headed through Millicent & on to Mount Gambier. Changing scenery inland now, cattle & sheep farming & acres of pine plantations - the states major softwood timber producer. Mount Gambier is S Australia's 2nd largest city & is built on the slopes of a dormant volcano. We went to see the Blue Lake - it changes colour from grey in winter to blue in summer. It provides MG's water supply.

. We moved on to Umpherston Sink Hole -100ft deep bowl which was planted in terraces with hydrangeas, acanthus, tree ferns arum lilies,agapanthus & ivy. Gorgeous!

Leaving S Australia behind, over the border now & into the state of Victoria, where we put our clocks on 30 minutes !  Miles & miles of sheep & cattle farms & more pine forest. We were heading for Cape Bridgewater, recommended by Joy - Thank you! What a treat!

 A huge bay with turquoise blue sea & a fantastic cliff walk to a viewing platform over a seal colony. They were a noisy bunch! We headed back as the walk took an hour & a half in total & we could see a very black cloud heading our way. We were walking briskly when I realised that a snake had just slipped between my feet! Thanks Joy ! Didn't warn us about that eh ?!!! Actually it happened so fast I didn't have time to scream !

The rain started & as it got heavier we sheltered in the lee of a shrub, looking across the path at us, doing exactly the same  was a rock wallaby!!! Wow ! How good was that.   Damp, but happy we climbed back in the car & drove the last leg of taday's 325km journey to Port Fairy.

"Victoria appts" are terrific, the lady on reception upgraded us because our surname is her daughters's first name & because she was born in Doncaster ( but left at the tender age of 18 months.)
After a much needed shower (we were filthy from the wet walk), we headed down the main street to eat. It's a lovely place & the quayside stroll, after a great chinese meal, revealed some stunning boats & waterfront be cotntinued.

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