Tuesday 10 January 2012

More of the Sapphire Coast

Heading out from Eden today to the Ben Boyd National Park & a walk to the Pinnacles through coastal forest & scrub land with many wonderful Banksia trees.

The Pinnacles is a formation which dates back some 65 million years. White sandstone and red clay.

We  moved on to Quarantine Bay where an amateur fishing tournament was coming to a close with all the fishing boats returning to the jetty. There is an area provide for them to gut & clean the fish & the unwanted pieces are thrown back into the harbour.

There were cormorants, terns, gulls & pelicans all noisily awaiting this fishy banquet. Best of all, there were two seals & a large ray adding to the spectacle.
An entertaining  & unexpected interlude.

Last port of call was Tura Beach, an extremely upmarket town with the most stunning properties (no holiday lets or campsites here !)  Many with views over this beautiful part of the Sapphire Coast. We took a long walk along the beach  - virtually deserted.
So many exquisite & pristine beaches.

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