Saturday 14 January 2012


Thursday 12th January

A wonderful cooked breakfast with the other guests at Pub Hill Farm B&B, all sat together round the table in Ian & Micki's house. Elizabeth, Rob & Sue from Sydney & Pete & Jen from Louth UK, exchanging travellers tales & life stories. Ian & Micki's 3 beautiful border collies, & guest dogs - labrador, poodle & Jack Russell, wait noisily outside!

The garden is full of wildlife – kangaroos, lorikeets, galahs, butcher bird & a king parrot. The view over the inlet is wonderful & we can see the oyster beds.

Into Narooma to walk around the harbour, lake, foreshore, inlet & town on the boardwalk. More wildlife - out on Wogonga Head - a seal basking on the rocks, a ray in the bay, an assortment of waterfowl & pelicans on the lake & overhead, a white bellied sea eagle soaring on the thermals.

An afternoon relaxing on the beach – so crowded – we saw at least 3 other people !!!

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