Monday 2 January 2012

Tarra Bulga

After fond farewells & a few tears we left Eltham on our way to Tarra Bulga National Park, 220 kms south east of Melbourne. The temperature is 40 degrees with a hot wind blowing in from the north, so when we step out of the car it feels like a fan oven. The landscape, pleasant farmland & fruit trees running along side the freeway.

As we turned off  towards Traralgon & climbed upwards from the Tarra Valley, an eerie landscape unfolded. Bushfires had swept through this area on Black Saturday - 7th February 2009, devastating the landscape & killing 11 people & destroying 145 homes. This was just one of many fires in the state of Victoria on that day.

Our destination, Lyrebird Cafe & guest house, Balook, situated on the edge of Tarra Bulga National Park. It was built in 1938 & still retains many original features. Steve & Nicki took it on 15 months ago - quaint & quirky & totally unique. After a very warm welcome we accepted an invitation to share an evening meal with them & their friend Ann. 


We went off to explore & took the trail from the visitors' centre into the rain forest, a cool temperate forest of Mountain Ash Eucalyptus & tree ferns with huge shield ferns. Home to Lyrebirds with their extraordinary plumage. Amazingly we saw one running across the path in front of us, his beautiful feathers on display.
A walk over the suspension bridge crossing Fern Gully, completed a breathtakingly beautiful walk.

We spent the evening in Steve, Nicki & Ann's excellent company. Balook has 12 residents ! But the National Park has hundreds of visitors, especially at this time of year. So the cafe is the hub of local activity. They are amazed that we found this are we!

1 comment:

  1. Hi again cobbers and thanks for your new year greeting! Just seen on the TV news of bush fires in and around Sydney / Victoria and NSW. Be sure to keep safe and stay in touch with the news there and with us here. We are having a day of high winds and squally showers..... lovely !
