Saturday 7 January 2012

Pelicans & monitors en route to Eden

The day started with breakfast on the balcony & a pelican fly past. Groups of about 30 at a time flying over the lake & then circling en masse waiting for stragglers, about 200+ in total.  Quite a send off from Lakes Entrance!

Travelling approx 240kms today to Eden, first stop was Malo where the Snowy River meets the sea. The most exquisite, unspoilt place, with many photo opportunities.....

We saw pelicans here too.

 Driving onwards via Cape Conran to join back up with the Princes Highway, after our scenic detour, we had to avoid a large monitor lizard crossing the road! I mean large....about 4 foot in length.

This area consists of a vast expanse of  National Parks - Alfred N.P. & Croajingolong N.P. which is a Unesco World Biosphere Reserve. An area of incredible natural beauty of coast, rivers and hinterland, named after the aboriginal people of the area.
100km of rugged and unspoilt coastline plus pristine eucalypt forest, rainforest and heathland known as the Wilderness Coast. The towns are Bemm River, Cann River and Mallacoota. We stopped for our picnic lunch at Cann River & then on to Mallacoota where we saw more pelicans.

Further along the road we crossed over states from Victoria to New South Wales.

Unbelievably, we had an identical near miss with another monitor lizard. This time we were able to stop & take a photo of him taking refuge in a tree.

Arriving in Eden, after another great journey, this sums up our current strategy !

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